
Saturday, 20 October 2012

Purvanchal Gramin Bank Announces Group A & Group B Recruitment 2011

Purvanchal Gramin Bank Announces Group A & Group B Recruitment 2011
Purvanchal Gramin Bank, Gorakhpur, has invited applications from eligible Indian citizens for recruitment 2011, for the post of Officer Scale (III / II / I) Group A & Office Assistants (Multipurpose) Group B. Candidates can register online by visiting the Bank's official website: The last date of submission the online application form is June 25, 2011.
Selection of the candidates will be made on the basis of a Written Test followed by Personal Interview (PI). The Written Test for the Group A will be held on August 7, 2011 & Group B will be held on August 14, 2011. The written test will be schedule at Gorakhpur, Mahrajganj, Deoria, Kushinagar (Padrauna), Basti, Siddharth Nagar & Sant Kabir Nagar specific examination centers. Examination centre and address will be mentioned in the candidates’ call letter.
Interested candidates willing to apply have to follow the prescribed format mentioned in Purvanchal Gramin Bank official website: The candidates must apply within the time period mentioned above. Applicants are requested to follow all the terms and conditions mentioned in the official website. If any candidate does not fill the forms according the rules and is found ineligible for the post, he/she will be declared as disqualified.

Eligibility: Officer Scale-III
Candidates below the ages of 21 – 40 years, having Degree from a recognized University in any discipline or its equivalent with a minimum of 50% marks in aggregate as well as Degree / Diploma in Banking, Finance, Marketing, Agriculture, Horticulture, Forestry, Animal Husbandry, Veterinary Science, Agriculture Engineering, Pisciculture, Agricultural Marketing and Co-operation, Information Technology, Management, Law, Economics and Accountancy with minimum 5 years experience as an Officer in any Bank / Financial Institution, are eligible for the posts.
Officer Scale-II (Information Technology, Chartered Accountant, Law Officer, Treasury Manager, Marketing Officer, Agricultural Officer, General Banking)
Age Limit: Candidates below the ages of 21 – 32 years
Essential Qualification & Work Experience:
Information Technology: Candidates should have a Degree from a recognized University in Electronics / Communication / Computer Science / Information Technology or its equivalent with a minimum of 50% marks in aggregate with minimum 1 year of working experience.
Chartered Accountant: Candidate should be a Chartered Accountant with minimum 1 year of working experience
Law Officer: Candidates should have a Degree from a recognized University in Law or its equivalent with a minimum of 50% marks in aggregate with minimum 2 years experience as an advocate or should have worked as Law Officer in Banks or Financial Institutions for a period not less than two years.
Treasury Manager: Candidate should be a Chartered Accountant or MBA in Finance from a reputed Institute with 1 Year of working experience.
Marketing Officer: Candidates should be a MBA in Marketing from any reputed Institute with minimum 1 year of working experience.
Agricultural Officer: Candidates should have a Degree from a recognized University in any discipline in Agriculture, Horticulture, Diary, Animal Husbandry, Forestry, Veterinary Science, Agricultural Engineering, Pisciculture or its equivalent, with a minimum of 50% marks in aggregate with 2 Years of working experience.
General Banking: Candidates should have a Degree from a recognized University in any discipline or its equivalent with a minimum of 50% marks in aggregate as well as degree / diploma in Banking Finance, Marketing, Agriculture, Horticulture, Forestry, Animal Husbandry, Veterinary Science, Agriculture Engineering, Pisciculture, Agricultural Marketing and Cooperation, Information Technology, Management, Law, Economics and Accountancy with minimum 2 years experience as an officer in Bank or financial institution.
Officer Scale-I
Candidates below the ages of 18 – 28 years, having Bachelor degree of a recognized University in any discipline or its equivalent as well as degree in Agriculture, Horticulture, Forestry, Animal Husbandry, Veterinary Science, Agricultural Engineering, Pisciculture, Agricultural Marketing & Cooperation Information Technology, Management, Law, Economics and Accountancy, are eligible for the posts.
Office Assistant (Multipurpose)
Candidates below the ages of 18 – 28 years, having Bachelor degree / its equivalent from a recognized University in any discipline, are eligible for the posts.

Application Fee: Rs 400 (General / OBC) & Rs 100 (SC / ST / PC / EXS)
How To Apply: Candidates, before applying online for the aforementioned posts, are required to pay, in cash, the application fee of Rs 400 (OBC / General) & Rs 100 (SC/ ST/ PC / EXS). The payment should be made on the basis of challan. Interested candidates can download the challan from the Bank’s official website. There are 2 challans are available for Group A & B. For Group A, Purvanchal Gramin Bank-01 & State Bank of India – 01 and for Group B Purvanchal Gramin Bank-02 & State Bank of India – 02 are available.

Candidates applying for the Group A / Group B download their respective challan and make the fee payment in the branches of Purvanchal Gramin Bank or State Bank of India. Candidates should ensure that the Journal number, Branch Name, Branch code number, Date of deposit and Signature & seal of the receiving official have been mentioned on the receipt. This Bank challan number has to be filled in the application form, as it is mandatory for the submission of online form. Candidates should keep the candidate's copy with them as future reference for the written examination day. The online application form should be filled in the prescribed format and completely, or else it will be not accepted and the candidate will be assumed as disqualified. For further details, candidates can visit the Bank's aforementioned website.
Registered Office:
Purvanchal Gramin Bank, Mohaddipur, Gorakhpur (UP) - 273008

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