
Thursday, 18 October 2012

job for Assistant Engineer Naukri

About Us

Uttar Pradesh Rajya Vidyut Utpadan Nigam Limited (UPRVUNL) was constituted on dated 25.08.1980 under the Companies� Act 1956 for construction of new thermal power projects in the state sector. The first Thermal Power Station constructed by UPRVUNL was Unchahar Thermal Power Station of 2X210 MW capacity and it was transferred to NTPC on dated 13.02.1992. On dated 14.01.2000, in accordance to U.P. State Electricity Reforms Acts 1999 and operation of U.P. Electricity Reforms Transfer Scheme 2000, U.P. State Electricity Board, till then responsible for generation, transmission and distribution of power within the state of Uttar Pradesh, was unbundled and operations of the state sector thermal power stations were handed over to uprvunl.accelerate addition of power generation capacity by extending existing projects and installing new plants to make available reliable and quality power, using state-of-the art technologies.To enhance the power generation through increasing efficiency of operations above the national level by periodic refurbishment and renovation & modernization of plants, and maximizing the availability of units.

Job Description


Assistant Engineer (Trainee) E &M Cadre : 14 posts (Electrical-6, Mechanical-4, Electronics-4), Pay Scale : Rs. 15600 – 39100 Rs. 5400

Junior Engineer (Trainee): E &M cadre: 15 posts (Electrical-6, Mechanical-5, Electronics-4), Pay Scale : Rs. 9300 – 34800 Rs. 4200

Office Assistant -III (OA-III) : 02 posts, Pay Scale : Rs. 5200 – 20200 Rs.2600

How to Apply : Apply Online Take a copy of the submitted application and send it along with fee and required documents Post Box No. – 007, Sriniwas Puri Post Office, Sriniwas Puri, Kalkaji post office, New Delhi -110065.

General Instructions:
(a) Thorough Knowledge of Hindi in Devnagari Script. If the candidate has not passed High School or equivalent examination in Hindi, he/she has to clear an exam conducted by the Registrar, Departmental Examination Govt. of UP within 3 years of joining.

(b) 03 Years Diploma examination in Electrical Engineering (Post code 12) Mechanical Engineering (Post code 13) and Electronics Engineering (Post code 14), ( The word Electrical

c. conducted by the “All India Council for Technical Education”, Government of India, Delhi Polytechnic OR conducted by any of the Universities in India incorporated by any act of the Central/State legislature. OR National Certificates awarded

d. In case of all other requisites being the same candidates having undergone training under Apprenticeship Act 1961 in UPPTCL/UPRVUNL only will be given preference.

e. Any married male/female candidate having more than one spouse alive and female candidates who are married to a person who has one or more living wives, shall not be eligible for -ion.

f. Candidate must have six (06) copies of his recent passport size coloured photographs before applying for any post. (B) Candidates can fill the application form “ON LINE” and get the downloaded registration form

g. Paste a recent passport size photograph on the downloaded registered application form and put your signature. Keep it in an envelope. No other documents are to be sent at this stage. The envelope should be super scribed with “APPLICATION FOR THE POST OF_______________Post Code_________ . Send it by ordinary post (No other form of Post shall be acceptable) to :-

Post Bag No. 007
Sriniwas puri Post Office
Sriniwas puri,
New Delhi-110065

h. U.P. Rajya Vidyut Utpadan Sewa Ayog shall not be responsible for any postal delay/loss in transit. No request in this regard will be entertained.In case the candidate loses the link before printing the application form, he has to log in afresh as no data will be saved unless the candidate has filled in complete details and clicked “SAVE” button.

i. Candidates will receive “ADMIT CARDS” by speed post on their postal address mentioned in the application form.Paste a copy of same passport size photograph, as that pasted on Physical application form/ down loaded registered application Form, on this down loaded Admit Card.

j. In case the candidate loses the link before printing the Admit Card, he has to log in afresh.Candidates shortlisted in the written test shall be called for the interview/group discussion/ typing test as the case may be,

Address :
UP Rajya Vidyut Utpadan Sewa Aayog (UPRVUSA)
UP Rajya Vidyut Utpadan Nigam Limited (UPRVUNL)
(A Govt. of UP Undertaking)
Room No. 1023, 10th Floor, Shakti Bhawan Extn., Lucknow

Candidate Profile

More Information
Experience: Fresher

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