
Thursday, 20 September 2012

jobs in SSC (Northern Region) for Asst Drugs Inspector/ Data Processing Asst/ Technician

Eligibility: B.Com
Location: Delhi
Job Category: Govt Sector, Others
Last Date: 12 October 12
Job Type: Full Time
Hiring Process: Written-test.
Job Details
ssc hiring Asst
ADVT. NO. NR/1/2012 
Staff Selection Commission (Northern Region), recruiting applications for the post of Asst Drugs Inspector/ Data Processing Asst/ Technician
Cat. No.Post NameQualificationNo. of PostAgeSalary
B-01Asst Drugs Inspector in O/o Directorate General Health Services, New Delhi  Degree in Pharmacy or Pharmaceutical Sciences or Medicine with Specialization  in Clinical Pharmacology or Microbiology from a recognized University or equivalent.  31 (17-UR, OBC-08, 04-SC & 02-ST)  18-30 yrs Rs.9300-
B-02 Data Processing Assistant Grade ‘B’, in O/o NCRB, MHA, New Delhi. Master’s Degree in Computer Applications or Computer Science or M. Tech. (with specialisation  in Computer Applications) or B.E./B. Tech. in Information Technology or Computer Engineering or  Computer Science or Computer Technology from a recognised University or Institute.  OR  i) B.E./B. Tech in Electronics or Electronics and Communication from a recognized University  or Institute; and  (ii) Two years’ experience in Electronic Data Processing work including experience of actual  programming.  OR  (i) Bachelor’s Degree in Computer Applications or Computer Science or Information  Technology or Electronics from a recognised University; and  (ii) Two years’ experience in Electronic Data Processing Work including experience of actual  programming.  OR  (i) ‘A’ level Diploma under DOEACC Programme or Post Graduate Diploma in Computer  Applications or Computer System and Management or Information System and Application or Computer  Science or Computer Technology or Information Technology or Electronics or Electronics and
Communication offered under University Programme or Post Polytechnic Diploma in Computer  Applications or Computer system and  management or information system and Application or Computer Science or Computer Technology or Information Technology or Electronics or Electronics and Communication awarded by the State Council of Technical Education; and (ii) Three years’ experience of Electronic Data Processing work including experience of actual Programming.
04 (03-UR & 01-OBC)  18-30 yrs Rs.9300-
B-05 Technician in O/o National Centre for Disease Control, Delhi.  Science Graduate in Biology/Biochemistry/Microbiology.  D.Q. :  One year’s practical experience in Medical and Biology Laboratory.  13 (UR-8, OBC-04 & SC-01)  18-25 yrsRs.9300-
B-07 Research Asst in O/o National Centre for Disease Control, DGHS, Delhi.  A Master’s Degree in Zoology/ Microbiology /Biochemistry. 
D.Q. : Two years’ practical experience in Medical/Research Laboratory
08(UR-03, OBC-03 & SC-02, including 01vacancy reserved for HH)  18-30 yrsRs.9300-
B-08 Wildlife Inspector in O/o Wildlife Crime Control Bureau, New Delhi. (i) Bachelor’s Degree in Science with Zoology as a subject; and  (ii) Diploma/Certificate in Wildlife Management awarded by the Wildlife Institute of India or  equivalent.  01 (UR)  18-30 yrs Rs.5500-
B-11Asst Curators in O/o National Museum, New Delhi.  Master’s Degree in Museology or History of Arts from a recognised University or equivalent.  OR  Master’s Degree in Indian History or Ancient Indian History, Culture and Archaeology or  Ancient Indian History and Epigraphy or Sanskrit or Pali or Prakrit or Persian or Arabic or Archaeology or  Anthropology or Fine Arts from a recognised university or equivalent with Diploma/Certificate in  Museology or recognised Institution or equivalent.  11 (UR-05, OBC-04, SC-01 & ST-01) 18-30 yrs Rs.9300-
B-12Asst Curator (Arabic Manuscripts) in the O/o National Museum, New Delhi.  (i) Master’s Degree in Arabic or Fazil Degree (equivalent to Master’s Degree) from a  recognised University/Institution or equivalent; and  (ii) Should have studied Indian History as a subject at Bachelor’s Degree level.  01 (UR) 18-30 yrs Rs.9300-
B-13 Senior Research Asst in O/o Central Water Commission, NOIDA Bachelor’s degree in Chemistry from a recognised University or equivalent.  01 (OBC)  18-28 yrs Rs.9300-
B-16Jr. Technical Asst in M/o Corporate Affairs, Noida, (U.P.).  M.Com. or Degree in Commerce/Economics with Degree in Law from a recognised University  or equivalent. 11 (UR-07, OBC-02, SC-01 & ST-01) 18-27 yrs Rs.9300-
B-18 Senior Scientific Asst (Electronics) in O/o Bureau of Police Research &
Development, New Delhi. 
Masters’ Degree in Physics with Electronics as a subject or Bachelor’s degree Electronic  Engineering from a recognised University or equivalent.  D.Q.: 1. Two years’ experience in research, design, development or standardisation in the field of  electronics. 2. “O” Level Diploma under of Department of Electronic Accredited Computer Courses
  01 (UR) 18-27 yrs Rs.9300-
 B-21 Library & Information Asst in D/o Industrial Policy & Promotion, New Delhi.  i) Degree of a recognized University or Equivalent; and  ii) Diploma in Library Science of a recognized Institute.  01 (OBC) 18-28 yrs  Rs. 9300-
B-25 Senior Scientific Asst in O/o Directorate General of Employment & Training, New Delhi.  Master’s degree in Psychology or Education (M.Ed.) from a recognized University or  equivalent.  OR  Postgraduate Diploma in Guidance.  D.Q : Experience in administration scoring and interpretation or aptitude test 01 (UR) 18-30 yrs Rs.9300-
B- 28Planning Asst in the O/o Town and Country Planning Organization  M/o URBAN DEVELOPMENT, New Delhi.  (i) Intermediate in Architecture from a recognized university / Institution or equivalent qualifications; and (ii) About 2 years’ experience in planning or Architectural Office in a design housing ,layouts, Planning, Surveys, cost estimates etc. OR (i) Diploma of 3 years in Civil Engineering or Municipal Engineering or equivalent qualification; and (ii) Knowledge of Town Planning Building by-laws, Zoning Regulation and control etc.  02 (UR-01 & ST-01)  18-30 yrs Rs.9300-
B- 30Russian Steno-II, in the O/o NAVAL HQRS. M/o Defence New Delhi  (1) Higher secondary or equivalent from a recognized university /Board with Advanced Diploma  in Russian language (two years’ duration ) from a recognised university or Institution.  OR  Degree from a recognized University with certificate of proficiency in Russian language (one year’s course ) from a recognised University or Institution. (2) Should be able to take dictation in Russian language at a speed of 40 words per minute. (3) Speed of 40 words per minute in English Typewriting. Note: Trade Test will be help to judge suitability  01 (Reserved for OH (OL/BL/OA) candidates only)  18-30 yrs Rs.9300-
B-32Data Processing Assistant Grade-A, in RGI & NCRB, MHA, New Delhi.  Masters Degree in Computer Applications/Computer Science or M. Tech. (with specialization in  Computer Applications) OR B.E/B.Tech in Computer Engineering/ Computer Science/Computer
Technology from a recognized University or equivalent.  OR (i) Degree in Computer Applications/Computer Science or Degree in Electronics /Electronics and  Communication Engineering from a recognized University or equivalent; and  (ii) Two years’ experience in Electronics Data Processing work including experience of actual  programming.  OR  (i) Master s Degree of a recognized University or equivalent or Degree in Engineering or  equivalent; and  (ii) Three years’ experience in Electronic Data Processing work including experience of actual  programming.  OR  (i) ‘A’ level Diploma under DOEACC Programming or post Graduate Diploma in Computer  Application Offered under University Programme/ post Polytechnic Diploma in Computer  Application Awarded. By State Council of Technical Education or equivalent; and .  (ii)Three years’ experience in electronic in Electronics Data Processing work including experience  of actual Programming
2 ( 01 reserved for VH candidate in RGI & 01 reserved for ST in NCRB)  18-30 yrs Rs.9300-
B-34Sr. Technical Asst A qualification recognized for enrolment in the register of Members of the Institute of Chartered  Accountants of India or of the Institute of Cost and Works Accountants of India or equivalent.
OR  Associate Member of the Institute of Company Secretaries of India.  OR  At least second class Master’s Degree in Commerce with Advanced Accountancy as one  of the subject from a recognized University or equivalent.   OR  i) At least second class Bachelor’s Degree in Commerce of a recognized University or equivalent; and  (ii) Degree in Law of a recognized University or equivalent.  D.Q.: (i) Degree in Law of a recognized University or equivalent, except in the case of those for whom it is  essential.  (ii) Experience as a Chartered Accountant/Cost and Works Accountant or in the  Commercial/Industrial Organization or in a Government Department connected with the  Administration of the Companies Act, 1956.
18 (UR-10, OBC-04 & SC-04) 18-30 yrs Rs.9300-
B-35Market Intelligence Inspector (Economics) Bachelor’s Degree in Economics or Commerce or Statistics with Economics as a subject from a  recognised University.  04(UR-01, OBC-02 & SC-01) 18-30 yrs Rs.9300-
B-38Jr. Wireless Operator Degree of a recognised University in Telecommunication Engineering/Electrical Engineering with  Radio Communications/Electronics/Telecommunication as a special subject;  OR  Master’s Degree in Science with Physics and Radio Communication/ Electronics/  Telecommunication as a special subject. DQ:- (i) One year’s experience in operation and/or maintenance and servicing of Radio  Communication equipments.
(ii) 01 year experience in operation of Computer or Computer based equipment.  . (iii) Certificate of proficiency in Maritime Mobile and Aeromobile Communication issued  by the M/o Communication. 
09 (UR-06, OBC-02, ST-01, including 01 reserved for OH with one Arm/Leg affected)  18- 30 yrs  Rs. 9300-
B-42Technical Officer(i) Diploma in Textile Technology/Textile Manufacture/Textile Chemistry from a recognised University/Institute.  D.Q.: 02 years’ experience in Textiles Mills covering spinning and/or weaving of cotton/ art silk/woolen textile and synthetic fiber and or manufacture of Textile Machinery stores and Accessories. 03 (UR-01, OBC-01 & SC-01) 18-28 yrs Rs.9300-
B-43Draughtsman Grade-I(i) Higher Secondary (10+2) from a recognised University/Institute or equivalent; and  (ii) Three years’ Diploma in Mechanical Engineering from a recognised University/Institute or  equivalent.  09 (UR-06, OBC-02 & SC-01) 18-30 yrs Rs.9300-
B-44Asst Central Intelligence Officer-I Bachelor of Engineering or Bachelor of Technology in Computer Science or Computer  Engineering from a recognised University; or  Master of Science in Mathematics from a recognized University; or  Master degree in Computer Applications (with Bachelor’s degree in Computer Application or  Bachelor of Science with Mathematics as one of the subjects), from a recognised University or  Institute. 
D.Q. : Two years’ experience in Software Development of Data Encryption Techniques using C, C++. 
05 (UR-03, OBC-01 & SC- 01)  18- 30 yrs Rs.9300-
C-45Computer in M/o Road Transport& Highways, New Delhi.  Degree with Mathematics /Statistics /Economics as a subject from a recognised University.  01 (UR)  18- 25 yrs Rs.5200-
C-46Tourist Information Officer 1. Graduate from a recognised University in India,  2. Knowledge of Computer Application supported by Diploma or Degree in Computer,  3. General knowledge of and familiarity with places of tourist interest in India; and  4. Knowledge of various phases of Indian History and architecture; ancient  and modern.  D.Q.: 1. Diploma in Tourism. 2. Knowledge of any European language other than English. 3. Experience in a travel or publicity firm or office.  02 (01-UR & 01–SC)  21-25 yrs Rs.9300-
C-47 Senior Scientific Asst-III (i) Bachelor’s Degree in Agriculture.  05 (UR-3, OBC-01 & ST-01)  18-25 yrs Rs.9300-
C-49Section Officer (Horticulture) B. Sc. in Agriculture/Horticulture.  04 (UR)  18-27 yrs
C-51Statistical Asst Degree with Economics or Statistics as a subject from a recognised University.  01-UR 20-26 yrs Rs.5200-
C-56 Farm Asst  1. Pass in 12th Class or equivalent qualification from a recognised Board or Institute,  2. Certificate course or training in Agriculture from a recognised Institute; and  3. One year’s experience of work at an Agriculture Farm.  OR B. Sc. in Agriculture.  01 -UR  18-27 yrs Rs.5200-
C-58Jr. Technical Asst Certificate in Forest Ranger Course from any recognised Institute / Graduate in  Science/Computer Science.  D.Q. : Experience in Forest Inventory/Remote Sensing/Cartography work and  Computer Application.  03 (UR-02 & SC-01)  18-28 yrs Rs.9300-
C-59Reprographic Asst i) Matriculation or equivalent from a recognized Board/University/Institute; and  ii) Diploma /Certificate in Photography or Reprography from a recognized Institute.   01 (Reserved for OH/UR)  18-27 yrs Rs.5200-
C-61Scientific Asst B. Sc. in Agriculture.  01 (SC) 18-25 yrs Rs.5200-
C-62Scientific Asst Bachelor’s Degree in Physics or Geo-Physics or Geology or Meterology or Hydrometeorology from a recognized University or equivalent.  (UR-01)  18-27 yrs Rs.9300-
C-63Computer Operator Master’s Degree in Physics/Mathematics/Statistics/ Operations Research/Economics with  First class or at least 60% marks in aggregate and working knowledge of Computer  Programming;
OR  Bachelor’s Degree in Physics/Mathematics/Statistics/ Operations Research/Economics with First class or at least 60% marks in aggregate and Post Graduate Diploma in  Computer Science/Application from a recognised University/Board with First class or at  least 60% marks in aggregate;  OR  Bachelor’s Degree in Physics/Mathematics/Statistics/ Operations Research/Economics with First class  or at least 60% marks in aggregate and minimum two years’ experience in Computer field.
01 (UR)  18- 25 yrs  Rs. 9300-
C-64Asst Central Intelligence Officer Grade-II (EDP) i) Degree with Economics or Statistics or Mathematics or Physics as a subject or degree in Computer Application from any recognised University  D.Q: Formal training in the field of Computer for not less than one year.  05 (UR-03 & OBC-2)  18-30 yrs Rs.9300-
C-65Data Entry Operator Grade-B (I) Bachelor’s Degree from a recognised University or equivalent with one of the following  subject : Mathematics with statistics or Commerce with Statistics or Economics with Statistics; and  (II) Diploma in Computer Application/Programming from a recognised University or equivalent.  02 (UR-01 & ST-01).  18-25 yrs Rs.9300-
Preliminary Selection :  Mere fulfilling of minimum prescribed qualifications, etc. will  not entitle candidates to be called for the interview. Commission may make a preliminary shortlisting of  candidates with respect to number of posts on the basis of their educational qualifications, academic  records, percentage of marks, etc., and the candidates thus selected will be required to undergo an  Interview/ Personality Test of 100 marks. 
Fee Payable : Rs. 50/- (Rupees fifty only) for each post. Mode of payment: CRFS only Candidates are advised to pay the Examination fee in the shape of CRFS for which they are not to pay any commission. These stamps are available at all District Post Offices of the Country. These Recruitment Stamps may be pasted in the space ear-marked for the purpose. Recruitment Stamps must be got cancelled from the counter clerk of any post office including the issuing post office with the date stamp of post office in such a manner that the impression is clear and distinct to facilitate the identification of the date and the post office of issue at any subsequent stage. Fees Concession : No fee for SC, ST, PH, Ex-Serviceman and Female candidates. However, no fee concession would be admissible to Ex-serviceman who would otherwise be considered as General candidate in terms . Such candidates would be required to pay the requisite fee for the examination. Fee concession is not admissible to sons, daughters & dependents of Ex-S. Service Clerks in the last year of their colour service are not exempted from payment of fee. Remission of fee may be allowed to those repatriates from Kuwait/Iraq who are not in a position to pay it.

How to apply
Candidate must submit separate applications and pay the fee separately for each post in case they wish to apply for more than one post. The applications should be addressed to: -  The Regional Director (NR) , Staff Selection Commission , Block No.12, Lodhi Road, Cgo Complex, New Delhi – 110504 . Last Date for the receipt of applications is 12.10.2012 (5.00 PM).

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Company Profile
The Staff Selection Commission has a nationwide network of 9 Regional/Sub-regional Offices located at New Delhi, Bangalore, Chennai, Guwahati, Kolkata, Mumbai, Allahabad & Sub-regional offices located at Chandigarh & Raipur. Main responsibilities of Staff Selection Commission's Regional/Sub-regional Offices include, inter alia, implementing the policies & programmes of the Commission, supervising & overseeing its field operations, liaisoning & establishing rapport with State Governments & their Departments, making arrangements for impartial & smooth conduct of examinations, assisting Interview Boards & servicing the Examination Centres within their area of jurisdiction.

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