
Thursday, 20 September 2012

jobs in Heavy Engineering Corporation Ltd for Executive Trainees

Eligibility: BE/B.Tech(Civil Engineering, Computer Science & Engineering (CSE), Electrical & Electronics Engineering (EEE), Information Science/Technology (IS/IT), Mechanical Engineering, Metallurgical /Materials Engineering, Production / Plant Engineering)
PG Diploma
Location: Kolkata
Job Category: Core Technical, Govt Sector, MBA
Last Date: 26 September 12
Job Type: Full Time
Hiring Process: Written-test.
Job Details
HECL hiring Asst
Ref: Advertisement No. RT/04/2012
Heavy Engineering Corporation Ltd, , India invites applications from young, dynamic and energetic persons of Indian nationality for the post of Executive Trainees (ETs) in Technical and Non-Technical Disciplines as under
DisciplineQualification (Prescribed full time degree in Engineering)No. of Post
Mechanical Engineering Mechanical / Production / Production & Industrial Engineering 55 posts
Electrical Engineering Electrical / Electrical & Electronics Engineering 04 posts
Civil EngineeringCivil Engineering 05 posts
Metallurgical Engineering Metallurgy / Foundry & Forge Technology 03 posts
Information Technology Information Technology / Information Science / Computer Science 03 posts
Chartered Accountant / ICWAI 12 posts
LawFull Time Bachelors Degree in Law (LLB) 2 posts
HRFull time Post Graduate Degree / Post Graduate Diploma - 1st Class with minimum 65% in Personnel Management & Industrial Relations  (Two Years) or MBA -HR/Master of Social work with specialization in Personnel Management & Industrial Relations or equivalent from recognized Indian University/Institute approved by AICTE. 8 posts
Note : Final year / semester students are also eligible to apply, however, they have to obtain the prescribed percentage of marks in their Management / Law degree subject to the publication of result by 31st August, 2012. Wherever GDPA/CGPA or letter grade in a degree is awarded, equivalent % of marks should be indicated in the online application as per norms adopted by University/ Institute. A certificate to this effect from the University / Institute shall be required at the time of interview.
Age Limit  : The upper age limit is 29 years as on 01.07.2012.
Training, Placement & Remuneration : Selected candidates will undergo training for a period of two years. During the first year of training they  shall be paid monthly stipend of Rs.16.400/- plus Industrial Dearness Allowance (IDA) (presently 61.5%  of Basic Pay), as per the rules. Besides the stipend, they shall also be entitled to benefits like EPF,  Employees’ Pension, EDLI, Group Insurance, bachelor accommodation or HRA, other perks and  allowances and free medical benefit to self and dependents. On successful completion of the first year of  training, they shall be placed in the Scale of Pay of Rs16,400 – 40,400/- (E1) with basic pay of Rs  16,900/-. 
Service Agreement Bond : The selected candidates will be required to execute a Service Contract to serve the Corporation for a  minimum period of three years from the date of appointment as ET, failing which he/she will be liable to  pay the amount equal to the stipend / basic pay and DA for the period of training / service in the  Corporation subject to maximum of three months’ stipend / basic pay plus DA towards training cost &  notice pay of 1 month’s stipend / basic pay plus DA in the first year of service. Thereafter, the candidate  is required to deposit three months’ basic pay plus DA towards training cost and notice pay of 3 months’ basic pay plus DA. 
Fee :General and OBC category candidates are required to pay a non refundable application fee of Rs. 500/- through the challan of SBI along with bank charges of Rs 25/- only. SC/ST/PH candidates are exempted from payment of Application Fee.
Selection Procedure : The selection process for Executive Trainee (Technical) i.e. for Engineers will comprise of Graduate  Aptitude Test in Engineering -2012 (GATE-2012) Score of the candidates in the concerned disciplines  and the performance in the interview. Candidates will be short listed for interview on the basis of GATE - 2012 Score in order of merit in the ratio of 1: 5 to the number of vacancy or as near as to that in each  discipline and category. For Physically challenged candidates relaxation of 20% below the cut-off marks  will be considered. Final selection panel shall be prepared by assigning a weightage of 75% for GATE- 2012 Score and 25% to interview marks. Candidates are required to give GATE – 2012 score as detailed below :
Engineering Disciplines as advertised by HEC LtdCorresponding
GATE-2012 Paper
Paper Code
Mechanical Engineering { Includes Mechanical /
Production / Production & Industrial Engineering }
Mechanical /
Production &
Electrical Engineering { Includes Electrical /
Electrical & Electronics}
Civil EngineeringCivil EngineeringCE
Metallurgical Engineering { Includes Metallurgy /
Foundry & Forge Technology}
Information Technology { Includes Information
Technology / Information Science / Computer Science}
Computer Science
& Information
Test Center : The written test for Finance / Law / HR discipline will be held at Ranchi, Kolkata and New Delhi.  Candidates will have to choose one of the above mentioned cities as Test Centers and no subsequent change of Test Center will be entertained. HEC Ltd reserves the right to cancel or add any center  depending upon the number of candidate for that area / center. Candidates will have to appear for the  written test at their own cost.

How to apply
Eligible candidates should apply Online only.  Please take a print out of the application form and paste your recent colour passport size photograph at the designated place on the printed application form, sign in the specified box and send the  Application along with HEC’s copy of the Challan and other supporting documents like photocopies of all  testimonials, mark-sheets from matriculation onwards, proof of age (as in Matriculation or equivalent  certificate), caste certificate for SC/ST/OBC (Non Creamy Layer only) and certificate for Persons with  Disabilities on Govt. approved format, etc. This is required to allow them relaxation/reservation. The envelope should be super-scribed with the posts one applies for and the same should be sent by  ordinary post (since post box does not accept mail through registered post) to : “HEC Ltd, Post Bag No.  - 8, General Post Office, Kolkata- Pin- 700001 “ so as to reach on or before 03/10/2012. Application  received after the last date will not be accepted.
Important Dates :
a) Commencement of Online Registration :  03/09/2012 (Monday)
b) Closing of Online Registration :  26/09/2012 (Wednesday)
c) Last date of receiving Application Form : 03/10/2012 (Wednesday)

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Company Profile
HEC was established in the year 1958 as one of the largest Integrated Engineering Complex in India. It manufactures and supplies capital equipments & machineries and renders project execution required for core sector industries. It has complete manufacturing set up starting from casting & forging, fabrication, machining, assembly and testing - all at one location backed by a strong design - engineering and technology team.

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