Name of the Post
No of Vacancies
Assistant Grade-1 (HR)
Assistant Grade-1 (Finance & Accounts)
Assistant Grade-1 (C&MM)
Age Limit:
Should be at least 21 years, but not more than 28 years. Relaxable in
the age limit for SC/ST candidates will be 5 years and 3 year for OBC
Pay Band & Grade pay: Successful
candidates will be considered for appointment to the post of
Assistant Grade-1 (HR/Finance/CMM) in the Pay Band Rs.5200-20200 with Grade Pay Rs.2400/-.
Educational Qualifications: A Bachelor’s Degree in Science
or Commerce or Arts with minimum 50% marks in aggregate. For Finance
& Accounts,Commerce Graduates, For Contracts and Materials
Management, Science Graduates (with Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics)
and Commerce Graduates will be preferred. 40 words per minutes typing
speed on PC. Preference will be given to those candidates who posses
knowledge of Hindi Typing also. Should have passed a Certificate Course
of a duration of not less than 6 months on MS-Windows Operating System
and Desktop application such as MS Office (Word, Excel,
Access, Power Point) e-mail management and inter-net surfing.
Access, Power Point) e-mail management and inter-net surfing.
How To Apply: The application should be submitted in the prescribed proforma, preferably type written on thick A4 (30/21 cms) size paper.
The outer cover should be superscribed ‘APPLICATION FOR THE POST OF
____________________ against Advertisement No.4/HRM/2012. Duly signed
and completed application in all respects may be sent to Manager(HR),
HRM Section, Nuclear Power Corporation of India Limited, Madras Atomic
Power Station, Kalpakkam-603 102. Kancheepuram District, Tamilnadu so as to reach us on or before 10.10.2012.
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