EdCIL (India) Limited, Noida, Uttar Pradesh,
has invited applications from skillful and proficient candidates for
recruitment 2012, for the posts of Consultants for Sarva Shiksha Abhiyan
(SSA) Programme. The recruitment is to be done for the following
positions in various disciplines:
Civil Works
Research & Evaluation
Procurement & Disbursement
Candidate’s appointment is to be done on
contract basis for a period of one year, which can be extended further
as per candidate performance. Selection of the candidates will be made
on the basis of personal interview.
Candidates short-listed in the initial screening
on the basis of academics and work experience will be called for the
interview. The interview schedule will be announced later. For complete
details regarding recruitment and process of applying, candidates can
visit the official website of EdCIL (India) Limited:
Educational Qualification:
Chief Consultant (Civil Works)
Chief Consultant (Research & Evaluation)
Senior Consultant (Procurement & Disbursement)
Age Limit:
How To Apply:
Registered Office: EdCIL (India) Limited EdCIL House Plot No. 18A Sector 16A, Film City Noida (Uttar Pradesh) - 201301 Last Date of Form Submission: 08-Oct-2012 Download Form: http://edcilindia.co.in/images/careers/consssa.pdf |
Friday, 28 September 2012
EdCIL (India) Limited Recruitment 2012 For Consultants For SSA Programme
Wednesday, 26 September 2012
some important job vacancies
- www.barc.ernet.in : BARC Recruitment 2012 25th Sep For the post of Technician
- www.svnit.ac.in : BARC Recruitment 2012 25th Sep For the post of Asst. Professor
- www.davp.nic.in : Directorate of Advertising and Visual Publicity Indian Ordnance Factories Recruitment 2012 25th Sep For the post of Asst.
- www.bhu.ac.in : BHU Recruitment 2012 25th Sep For the post of Project Fellow
- www.bitmesra.ac.in : BIT Mesra Recruitment 2012 25th Sep For the post of Project Fellow
- www.nimhans.kar.nic.in : NIMHANS Recruitment 2012 25th Sep For the post of JRF
- www.jammuuniversity.in : University of Jammu Recruitment 2012 25th Sep For the post of Asst Professor /Computer Programmer
- www.iifm.ac.in : IIFM Bhopal Recruitment 2012 25th Sep For the post of Subject Expert
- www.crida.in : CRIDA Recruitment 2012 25th Sep For the post of Research Associate/ SRF
- www.du.ac.in : University of Delhi Recruitment 2012 25th Sep For the post of Project Fellow
- www.ecil.co.in : ECIL Recruitment 2012 25th Sep For the post of Trade Apprentices
- www.unishivaji.ac.in : Shivaji University Recruitment 2012 25th Sep For the post of Course Co-ordinators
- www.nimhans.kar.nic.in : NIMHANS Recruitment 2012 25th Sep For the post of Research Associate
- www.iitb.ac.in : IIT Bombay Recruitment 2012 25th Sep For the post of JRF
- www.mrcindia.org : NIMR Recruitment 2012 25th Sep For the post of Research Assistant
- www.osmania.ac.in : Osmania University Recruitment 2012 25th Sep For the post of Project Fellow
- www.lkouniv.ac.in : Lucknow University Recruitment 2012 25th Sep For the post of JRF
- www.du.ac.in : University of Delhi Recruitment 2012 25th Sep For the post of Caretaker
- www.unigoa.ac.in : Goa University Recruitment 2012 25th Sep For the post of JRF
- www.sctimst.ac.in : SCTIMST Recruitment 2012 25th Sep For the post of JRF
- www.mnnit.ac.in : MNNIT Recruitment 2012 25th Sep For the post of JRF
- www.annauniv.edu : Anna University Recruitment 2012 25th Sep For the post of Teaching Fellow
- www.iitkgp.ac.in : IIT Kharagpur Recruitment 2012 25th Sep For the post of JRF/ Research Associate
- www.npcil.nic.in : NPCIL Recruitment 2012 25th Sep For the post of Stipendiary Trainee Technician
- www.amu.ac.in : Aligarh Muslim University Recruitment 2012 25th Sep For the post of Guest Faculty
- www.sastra.edu : Sastra University Recruitment 2012 25th Sep For the post of JRF
- www.armyschoolalld.in : Army Public School Recruitment 2012 25th Sep For the post of Teachers
- www.indianarmy.gov.in : Indian Army Recruitment 2012 25th Sep For the B Sc Nursing/ General Nursing & Midwifery (GNM) Course
- delhi.gov.in : Acharyashree Bhikshu Govt. Hospital (Govt of Delhi) Recruitment 2012 25th Sep For the post of Jr./Sr. Residents
- www.amu.ac.in : Indian Army Recruitment 2012 25th Sep For the Post of Guest Faculty
- www.bdu.ac.in : Bharathidasan University Recruitment 2012 25th Sep For the post of Sr Project Fellow/ Sr Field Asst/ Project Asst
- delhi.gov.in : Bhagwan Mahavir Hospital (Govt. of Delhi) Recruitment 2012 25th Sep For the post of Sr. Residents/ Jr. Residents
- www.mu.ac.in : University of Mumbai Recruitment 2012 25th Sep For the post of Project Fellows/ Asst
Posted: 24 Sep 2012 05:00 PM PDT
www.barc.ernet.in : Recruitment 2013, Notification, Application Form, Result : BARC is inviting application for the post of Technician Sep 12 |
Posted: 24 Sep 2012 05:00 PM PDT
www.svnit.ac.in : Recruitment 2013, Notification, Application Form, Result : BARC is inviting application for the post of Asst. Professor Sep 12 |
Saturday, 22 September 2012
job in CSIR
Name of the Post
No of Post
Age Limit
Project Fellow
Upper Limit is 28 years as on 01.09.2012. which is relaxable upto 5 years in the case of candidates belonging to Scheduled Castes/Scheduled
Tribes/OBC/women/Physically handicapped applicants. |
Rs.16,000/- per month + House Rent Allowance as per rules.
Tenure: 2 Years 4 Months or co-terminus with the duration of the project whichever is earlier.
Interested candidates are requested to attend Walk-in-Interview (On 05/10/2012) along with Application Form & Bio-Data in the prescribed format as given herein under, duly filled in all the columns enclosing self
attested copies of each supporting documents/certificates. The original certificates should also be brought with him/her at the time of interview for verification. The candidates should report at least one hour before the scheduled time of interview for verification of documents.
job in NPCIL for Assistants
Name of the Post
No of Vacancies
Assistant Grade-1 (HR)
Assistant Grade-1 (Finance & Accounts)
Assistant Grade-1 (C&MM)
Age Limit:
Should be at least 21 years, but not more than 28 years. Relaxable in
the age limit for SC/ST candidates will be 5 years and 3 year for OBC
Pay Band & Grade pay: Successful
candidates will be considered for appointment to the post of
Assistant Grade-1 (HR/Finance/CMM) in the Pay Band Rs.5200-20200 with Grade Pay Rs.2400/-.
Educational Qualifications: A Bachelor’s Degree in Science
or Commerce or Arts with minimum 50% marks in aggregate. For Finance
& Accounts,Commerce Graduates, For Contracts and Materials
Management, Science Graduates (with Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics)
and Commerce Graduates will be preferred. 40 words per minutes typing
speed on PC. Preference will be given to those candidates who posses
knowledge of Hindi Typing also. Should have passed a Certificate Course
of a duration of not less than 6 months on MS-Windows Operating System
and Desktop application such as MS Office (Word, Excel,
Access, Power Point) e-mail management and inter-net surfing.
Access, Power Point) e-mail management and inter-net surfing.
How To Apply: The application should be submitted in the prescribed proforma, preferably type written on thick A4 (30/21 cms) size paper.
The outer cover should be superscribed ‘APPLICATION FOR THE POST OF
____________________ against Advertisement No.4/HRM/2012. Duly signed
and completed application in all respects may be sent to Manager(HR),
HRM Section, Nuclear Power Corporation of India Limited, Madras Atomic
Power Station, Kalpakkam-603 102. Kancheepuram District, Tamilnadu so as to reach us on or before 10.10.2012.
job in NPCIL Fireman
Post Name
No of Post
Age Limit
Pay Band & Grade Pay
Fireman “A”
18 to 25 years as on 01.07.2012
Rs.5200-20200 & Rs.1900/-
Qualification: S.S.C. or equivalent. Persons having Certificate Course from State Fire Training Centre and having valid Heavy Vehicle driving Licence will be given preference.
Physical Standards: Height – 165 cms. (Minimum), Weight – 50 Kgs. (Minimum), Chest – 81 cms (Normal), 86 cms (with expansion), Vision – 6/6, without wearing glasses or any other aid. Night or colour blindness shall be a disqualification.
How To Apply: The application should be submitted in the prescribed format, preferably type written on thick A4 (30/21 cms) size paper.
The outer cover should be superscribed ‘APPLICATION FOR THE POST OF
“FiremanA'”’ against Advertisement No.3/HRM/2012. Duly signed and completed
application in all respects may be sent to “Manager(HR), HRM Section,
Nuclear Power Corporation of India Limited, Madras Atomic Power Station,
Kalpakkam-603102, Kancheepuram District, Tamilnadu” on or before 10/10/2012.
job in NPCIL Fireman
Post Name
No of Post
Age Limit
Pay Band & Grade Pay
Fireman “A”
18 to 25 years as on 01.07.2012
Rs.5200-20200 & Rs.1900/-
Qualification: S.S.C. or equivalent. Persons having Certificate Course from State Fire Training Centre and having valid Heavy Vehicle driving Licence will be given preference.
Physical Standards: Height – 165 cms. (Minimum), Weight – 50 Kgs. (Minimum), Chest – 81 cms (Normal), 86 cms (with expansion), Vision – 6/6, without wearing glasses or any other aid. Night or colour blindness shall be a disqualification.
How To Apply: The application should be submitted in the prescribed format, preferably type written on thick A4 (30/21 cms) size paper.
The outer cover should be superscribed ‘APPLICATION FOR THE POST OF
“FiremanA'”’ against Advertisement No.3/HRM/2012. Duly signed and completed
application in all respects may be sent to “Manager(HR), HRM Section,
Nuclear Power Corporation of India Limited, Madras Atomic Power Station,
Kalpakkam-603102, Kancheepuram District, Tamilnadu” on or before 10/10/2012.
job in SSA Chandigarh JBT Teacher for JBT Teachers
Post Name
No of Vacancies
Age Limit
JBT Teachers
654 (General – 322, OBC – 166, SC – 85, PH 15)
21 to 35 Years
Rs.16600/- PM
How To Apply: Applications can be submitted online only from 11th September 2012 to 3rd October 2012 with Non-refundable fees ofRs.400/- (Rs.200/- in case of SC Candidates).
Apply online: http://recruitment.cdacmohali.in/OCET2011/HomePage.aspxThursday, 20 September 2012
jobs in SSC (Northern Region) for Asst Drugs Inspector/ Data Processing Asst/ Technician
Eligibility: B.Com
Location: Delhi
Job Category: Govt Sector, Others
Last Date: 12 October 12
Location: Delhi
Job Category: Govt Sector, Others
Last Date: 12 October 12
Job Type: Full Time
Hiring Process: Written-test.
Hiring Process: Written-test.
Job Details

ADVT. NO. NR/1/2012
Staff Selection Commission (Northern Region), recruiting applications for the post of Asst Drugs Inspector/ Data Processing Asst/ Technician www.freshersworld.com
Cat. No. | Post Name | Qualification | No. of Post | Age | Salary |
B-01 | Asst Drugs Inspector in O/o Directorate General Health Services, New Delhi | Degree in Pharmacy or Pharmaceutical Sciences or Medicine with Specialization in Clinical Pharmacology or Microbiology from a recognized University or equivalent. | 31 (17-UR, OBC-08, 04-SC & 02-ST) | 18-30 yrs | Rs.9300- 34800 |
B-02 | Data Processing Assistant Grade ‘B’, in O/o NCRB, MHA, New Delhi. | Master’s
Degree in Computer Applications or Computer Science or M. Tech. (with
specialisation in Computer Applications) or B.E./B. Tech. in
Information Technology or Computer Engineering or Computer Science or
Computer Technology from a recognised University or Institute. OR i)
B.E./B. Tech in Electronics or Electronics and Communication from a
recognized University or Institute; and (ii) Two years’ experience in
Electronic Data Processing work including experience of actual
programming. OR (i) Bachelor’s Degree in Computer Applications or
Computer Science or Information Technology or Electronics from a
recognised University; and (ii) Two years’ experience in Electronic
Data Processing Work including experience of actual programming. OR
(i) ‘A’ level Diploma under DOEACC Programme or Post Graduate Diploma in
Computer Applications or Computer System and Management or Information
System and Application or Computer Science or Computer Technology or
Information Technology or Electronics or Electronics and Communication offered under University Programme or Post Polytechnic Diploma in Computer Applications or Computer system and management or information system and Application or Computer Science or Computer Technology or Information Technology or Electronics or Electronics and Communication awarded by the State Council of Technical Education; and (ii) Three years’ experience of Electronic Data Processing work including experience of actual Programming. | 04 (03-UR & 01-OBC) | 18-30 yrs | Rs.9300- 34800 |
B-05 | Technician in O/o National Centre for Disease Control, Delhi. | Science Graduate in Biology/Biochemistry/Microbiology. D.Q. : One year’s practical experience in Medical and Biology Laboratory. | 13 (UR-8, OBC-04 & SC-01) | 18-25 yrs | Rs.9300- 34800 |
B-07 | Research Asst in O/o National Centre for Disease Control, DGHS, Delhi. | A Master’s Degree in Zoology/ Microbiology /Biochemistry. D.Q. : Two years’ practical experience in Medical/Research Laboratory | 08(UR-03, OBC-03 & SC-02, including 01vacancy reserved for HH) | 18-30 yrs | Rs.9300- 34800 |
B-08 | Wildlife Inspector in O/o Wildlife Crime Control Bureau, New Delhi. | (i) Bachelor’s Degree in Science with Zoology as a subject; and (ii) Diploma/Certificate in Wildlife Management awarded by the Wildlife Institute of India or equivalent. | 01 (UR) | 18-30 yrs | Rs.5500- 9000 |
B-11 | Asst Curators in O/o National Museum, New Delhi. | Master’s Degree in Museology or History of Arts from a recognised University or equivalent. OR Master’s Degree in Indian History or Ancient Indian History, Culture and Archaeology or Ancient Indian History and Epigraphy or Sanskrit or Pali or Prakrit or Persian or Arabic or Archaeology or Anthropology or Fine Arts from a recognised university or equivalent with Diploma/Certificate in Museology or recognised Institution or equivalent. | 11 (UR-05, OBC-04, SC-01 & ST-01) | 18-30 yrs | Rs.9300- 34800 |
B-12 | Asst Curator (Arabic Manuscripts) in the O/o National Museum, New Delhi. | (i) Master’s Degree in Arabic or Fazil Degree (equivalent to Master’s Degree) from a recognised University/Institution or equivalent; and (ii) Should have studied Indian History as a subject at Bachelor’s Degree level. | 01 (UR) | 18-30 yrs | Rs.9300- 34800 |
B-13 | Senior Research Asst in O/o Central Water Commission, NOIDA | Bachelor’s degree in Chemistry from a recognised University or equivalent. | 01 (OBC) | 18-28 yrs | Rs.9300- 34800 |
B-16 | Jr. Technical Asst in M/o Corporate Affairs, Noida, (U.P.). | M.Com. or Degree in Commerce/Economics with Degree in Law from a recognised University or equivalent. | 11 (UR-07, OBC-02, SC-01 & ST-01) | 18-27 yrs | Rs.9300- 34800 |
B-18 | Senior Scientific Asst (Electronics) in O/o Bureau of Police Research & Development, New Delhi. |
Masters’ Degree in Physics with Electronics as a subject or Bachelor’s
degree Electronic Engineering from a recognised University or
equivalent. D.Q.: 1. Two years’ experience in
research, design, development or standardisation in the field of
electronics. 2. “O” Level Diploma under of Department of Electronic
Accredited Computer Courses Programme | 01 (UR) | 18-27 yrs | Rs.9300- 34800 |
B-21 | Library & Information Asst in D/o Industrial Policy & Promotion, New Delhi. | i) Degree of a recognized University or Equivalent; and ii) Diploma in Library Science of a recognized Institute. | 01 (OBC) | 18-28 yrs | Rs. 9300- 34800 |
B-25 | Senior Scientific Asst in O/o Directorate General of Employment & Training, New Delhi. | Master’s degree in Psychology or Education (M.Ed.) from a recognized University or equivalent. OR Postgraduate Diploma in Guidance. D.Q : Experience in administration scoring and interpretation or aptitude test | 01 (UR) | 18-30 yrs | Rs.9300- 34800 |
B- 28 | Planning Asst in the O/o Town and Country Planning Organization M/o URBAN DEVELOPMENT, New Delhi. | (i) Intermediate in Architecture from a recognized university / Institution or equivalent qualifications; and (ii) About 2 years’ experience in planning or Architectural Office in a design housing ,layouts, Planning, Surveys, cost estimates etc. OR (i) Diploma of 3 years in Civil Engineering or Municipal Engineering or equivalent qualification; and (ii) Knowledge of Town Planning Building by-laws, Zoning Regulation and control etc. | 02 (UR-01 & ST-01) | 18-30 yrs | Rs.9300- 34800 |
B- 30 | Russian Steno-II, in the O/o NAVAL HQRS. M/o Defence New Delhi | (1) Higher secondary or equivalent from a recognized university /Board with Advanced Diploma in Russian language (two years’ duration ) from a recognised university or Institution. OR Degree from a recognized University with certificate of proficiency in Russian language (one year’s course ) from a recognised University or Institution. (2) Should be able to take dictation in Russian language at a speed of 40 words per minute. (3) Speed of 40 words per minute in English Typewriting. Note: Trade Test will be help to judge suitability | 01 (Reserved for OH (OL/BL/OA) candidates only) | 18-30 yrs | Rs.9300- 34800 |
B-32 | Data Processing Assistant Grade-A, in RGI & NCRB, MHA, New Delhi. |
Masters Degree in Computer Applications/Computer Science or M. Tech.
(with specialization in Computer Applications) OR B.E/B.Tech in
Computer Engineering/ Computer Science/Computer Technology from a recognized University or equivalent. OR (i) Degree in Computer Applications/Computer Science or Degree in Electronics /Electronics and Communication Engineering from a recognized University or equivalent; and (ii) Two years’ experience in Electronics Data Processing work including experience of actual programming. OR (i) Master s Degree of a recognized University or equivalent or Degree in Engineering or equivalent; and (ii) Three years’ experience in Electronic Data Processing work including experience of actual programming. OR (i) ‘A’ level Diploma under DOEACC Programming or post Graduate Diploma in Computer Application Offered under University Programme/ post Polytechnic Diploma in Computer Application Awarded. By State Council of Technical Education or equivalent; and . (ii)Three years’ experience in electronic in Electronics Data Processing work including experience of actual Programming | 2 ( 01 reserved for VH candidate in RGI & 01 reserved for ST in NCRB) | 18-30 yrs | Rs.9300- 34800 |
B-34 | Sr. Technical Asst |
A qualification recognized for enrolment in the register of Members of
the Institute of Chartered Accountants of India or of the Institute of
Cost and Works Accountants of India or equivalent. OR Associate Member of the Institute of Company Secretaries of India. OR At least second class Master’s Degree in Commerce with Advanced Accountancy as one of the subject from a recognized University or equivalent. OR i) At least second class Bachelor’s Degree in Commerce of a recognized University or equivalent; and (ii) Degree in Law of a recognized University or equivalent. D.Q.: (i) Degree in Law of a recognized University or equivalent, except in the case of those for whom it is essential. (ii) Experience as a Chartered Accountant/Cost and Works Accountant or in the Commercial/Industrial Organization or in a Government Department connected with the Administration of the Companies Act, 1956. | 18 (UR-10, OBC-04 & SC-04) | 18-30 yrs | Rs.9300- 34800 |
B-35 | Market Intelligence Inspector (Economics) | Bachelor’s Degree in Economics or Commerce or Statistics with Economics as a subject from a recognised University. | 04(UR-01, OBC-02 & SC-01) | 18-30 yrs | Rs.9300- 34800 |
B-38 | Jr. Wireless Operator |
Degree of a recognised University in Telecommunication
Engineering/Electrical Engineering with Radio
Communications/Electronics/Telecommunication as a special subject; OR
Master’s Degree in Science with Physics and Radio Communication/
Electronics/ Telecommunication as a special subject. DQ:- (i) One year’s experience in operation and/or maintenance and servicing of Radio Communication equipments. (ii) 01 year experience in operation of Computer or Computer based equipment. . (iii) Certificate of proficiency in Maritime Mobile and Aeromobile Communication issued by the M/o Communication. | 09 (UR-06, OBC-02, ST-01, including 01 reserved for OH with one Arm/Leg affected) | 18- 30 yrs | Rs. 9300- 34800 |
B-42 | Technical Officer | (i) Diploma in Textile Technology/Textile Manufacture/Textile Chemistry from a recognised University/Institute. D.Q.: 02 years’ experience in Textiles Mills covering spinning and/or weaving of cotton/ art silk/woolen textile and synthetic fiber and or manufacture of Textile Machinery stores and Accessories. | 03 (UR-01, OBC-01 & SC-01) | 18-28 yrs | Rs.9300- 34800 |
B-43 | Draughtsman Grade-I | (i) Higher Secondary (10+2) from a recognised University/Institute or equivalent; and (ii) Three years’ Diploma in Mechanical Engineering from a recognised University/Institute or equivalent. | 09 (UR-06, OBC-02 & SC-01) | 18-30 yrs | Rs.9300- 34800 |
B-44 | Asst Central Intelligence Officer-I |
Bachelor of Engineering or Bachelor of Technology in Computer Science
or Computer Engineering from a recognised University; or Master of
Science in Mathematics from a recognized University; or Master degree
in Computer Applications (with Bachelor’s degree in Computer Application
or Bachelor of Science with Mathematics as one of the subjects), from a
recognised University or Institute. D.Q. : Two years’ experience in Software Development of Data Encryption Techniques using C, C++. | 05 (UR-03, OBC-01 & SC- 01) | 18- 30 yrs | Rs.9300- 34800 |
C-45 | Computer in M/o Road Transport& Highways, New Delhi. | Degree with Mathematics /Statistics /Economics as a subject from a recognised University. | 01 (UR) | 18- 25 yrs | Rs.5200- 20200 |
C-46 | Tourist Information Officer | 1. Graduate from a recognised University in India, 2. Knowledge of Computer Application supported by Diploma or Degree in Computer, 3. General knowledge of and familiarity with places of tourist interest in India; and 4. Knowledge of various phases of Indian History and architecture; ancient and modern. D.Q.: 1. Diploma in Tourism. 2. Knowledge of any European language other than English. 3. Experience in a travel or publicity firm or office. | 02 (01-UR & 01–SC) | 21-25 yrs | Rs.9300- 3480 |
C-47 | Senior Scientific Asst-III | (i) Bachelor’s Degree in Agriculture. | 05 (UR-3, OBC-01 & ST-01) | 18-25 yrs | Rs.9300- 34800 |
C-49 | Section Officer (Horticulture) | B. Sc. in Agriculture/Horticulture. | 04 (UR) | 18-27 yrs | Rs.9300- 34800 |
C-51 | Statistical Asst | Degree with Economics or Statistics as a subject from a recognised University. | 01-UR | 20-26 yrs | Rs.5200- 20200 |
C-56 | Farm Asst | 1. Pass in 12th Class or equivalent qualification from a recognised Board or Institute, 2. Certificate course or training in Agriculture from a recognised Institute; and 3. One year’s experience of work at an Agriculture Farm. OR B. Sc. in Agriculture. | 01 -UR | 18-27 yrs | Rs.5200- 20200 |
C-58 | Jr. Technical Asst | Certificate in Forest Ranger Course from any recognised Institute / Graduate in Science/Computer Science. D.Q. : Experience in Forest Inventory/Remote Sensing/Cartography work and Computer Application. | 03 (UR-02 & SC-01) | 18-28 yrs | Rs.9300- 34800 |
C-59 | Reprographic Asst | i) Matriculation or equivalent from a recognized Board/University/Institute; and ii) Diploma /Certificate in Photography or Reprography from a recognized Institute. | 01 (Reserved for OH/UR) | 18-27 yrs | Rs.5200- 20200 |
C-61 | Scientific Asst | B. Sc. in Agriculture. | 01 (SC) | 18-25 yrs | Rs.5200- 20200 |
C-62 | Scientific Asst | Bachelor’s Degree in Physics or Geo-Physics or Geology or Meterology or Hydrometeorology from a recognized University or equivalent. | (UR-01) | 18-27 yrs | Rs.9300- 34800 |
C-63 | Computer Operator |
Master’s Degree in Physics/Mathematics/Statistics/ Operations
Research/Economics with First class or at least 60% marks in aggregate
and working knowledge of Computer Programming; OR Bachelor’s Degree in Physics/Mathematics/Statistics/ Operations Research/Economics with First class or at least 60% marks in aggregate and Post Graduate Diploma in Computer Science/Application from a recognised University/Board with First class or at least 60% marks in aggregate; OR Bachelor’s Degree in Physics/Mathematics/Statistics/ Operations Research/Economics with First class or at least 60% marks in aggregate and minimum two years’ experience in Computer field. | 01 (UR) | 18- 25 yrs | Rs. 9300- 34800 |
C-64 | Asst Central Intelligence Officer Grade-II (EDP) | i) Degree with Economics or Statistics or Mathematics or Physics as a subject or degree in Computer Application from any recognised University D.Q: Formal training in the field of Computer for not less than one year. | 05 (UR-03 & OBC-2) | 18-30 yrs | Rs.9300- 34800 |
C-65 | Data Entry Operator Grade-B | (I) Bachelor’s Degree from a recognised University or equivalent with one of the following subject : Mathematics with statistics or Commerce with Statistics or Economics with Statistics; and (II) Diploma in Computer Application/Programming from a recognised University or equivalent. | 02 (UR-01 & ST-01). | 18-25 yrs | Rs.9300- 34800 |
Fee Payable : Rs. 50/- (Rupees fifty only) for each post. Mode of payment: CRFS only Candidates are advised to pay the Examination fee in the shape of CRFS for which they are not to pay any commission. These stamps are available at all District Post Offices of the Country. These Recruitment Stamps may be pasted in the space ear-marked for the purpose. Recruitment Stamps must be got cancelled from the counter clerk of any post office including the issuing post office with the date stamp of post office in such a manner that the impression is clear and distinct to facilitate the identification of the date and the post office of issue at any subsequent stage. Fees Concession : No fee for SC, ST, PH, Ex-Serviceman and Female candidates. However, no fee concession would be admissible to Ex-serviceman who would otherwise be considered as General candidate in terms . Such candidates would be required to pay the requisite fee for the examination. Fee concession is not admissible to sons, daughters & dependents of Ex-S. Service Clerks in the last year of their colour service are not exempted from payment of fee. Remission of fee may be allowed to those repatriates from Kuwait/Iraq who are not in a position to pay it.
How to apply
must submit separate applications and pay the fee separately for each
post in case they wish to apply for more than one post. The applications
should be addressed to: - The Regional Director (NR) , Staff Selection Commission , Block No.12, Lodhi Road, Cgo Complex, New Delhi – 110504 . Last Date for the receipt of applications is 12.10.2012 (5.00 PM). www.freshersworld.com
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Click Here to Practice Free Sample Placement Papers of IT, PSU and Banks (IBPS)
Submit Your Resume Here & Get Noticed by Top Companies Recruiters
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Click Here to Practice Free Sample Placement Papers of IT, PSU and Banks (IBPS)
Submit Your Resume Here & Get Noticed by Top Companies Recruiters
Company Profile
The Staff Selection Commission
has a nationwide network of 9 Regional/Sub-regional Offices located at
New Delhi, Bangalore, Chennai, Guwahati, Kolkata, Mumbai, Allahabad
& Sub-regional offices located at Chandigarh & Raipur. Main
responsibilities of Staff Selection Commission's Regional/Sub-regional
Offices include, inter alia, implementing the policies & programmes
of the Commission, supervising & overseeing its field operations,
liaisoning & establishing rapport with State Governments & their
Departments, making arrangements for impartial & smooth conduct of
examinations, assisting Interview Boards & servicing the Examination
Centres within their area of jurisdiction.jobs in IIT Madras for JRF/ Research Associate
Eligibility: M Phil / Phd
Location: Chennai
Job Category: Govt Sector, Research
Last Date: 28 September 12
Location: Chennai
Job Category: Govt Sector, Research
Last Date: 28 September 12
Job Type: Full Time
Hiring Process: Face to Face Interview.
Hiring Process: Face to Face Interview.
Job Details

Announcement No:ICSR/CA/49/2012 ,No: BIO/11-12/132/CSIR/RAYA
IIT Madras, inviting application for the post of JRF/Research Associatewww.freshersworld.com
Project on: “Targeting dynein light chain 1(DLC1) to overcome radiation induced aneuploidy and radio-resistance in breast cancer”
Department : Biotechnology
Post Name |
| No of Post | Pay Scale |
Junior Research Fellow (or) Research Associate | M.Sc in Biochemistry / Chemistry / Life science with valid GATE / NET | 01 | Rs.12000 |
Ph.D in Biochemistry / Chemistry / Life science | Rs.16000 |
Duration:Initially for a period of one year likely to be extendable for a further period
How to apply
on plain paper giving name, date of birth, age, address, full details
of educational qualifications (stating the marks, rank, year of
passing), community and experience etc., along with copies of
certificates, should reach the Dr Rayala Suresh Kumar ,Project
Co-Ordinator ,Department Of Biotechnology,Indian Institute Of Technology
Madras ,Chennai – 600 036 ,E mail: rayala@iitm.ac.in on or before 28.09.2012.
Click Here For Details
Click Here to Practice Free Sample Placement Papers of IT, PSU and Banks (IBPS)
Submit Your Resume Here & Get Noticed by Top Companies Recruiters
Click Here For Details
Click Here to Practice Free Sample Placement Papers of IT, PSU and Banks (IBPS)
Submit Your Resume Here & Get Noticed by Top Companies Recruiters
Company Profile
Indian Institute of Technology Madras,
is one among the foremost institutes of national importance in higher
technological education, basic and applied research. In 1956, the German
Government offered technical assistance for establishing an institute
of higher education in engineering in India. The first Indo-German
agreement in Bonn, West Germany for the establishment of the Indian
Institute of Technology at Madras was signed in 1959.jobs in University of Delhi for Jr. Asst
Eligibility: Any Graduate
Location: Delhi
Job Category: Govt Sector, Others
Last Date: 30 September 12
Location: Delhi
Job Category: Govt Sector, Others
Last Date: 30 September 12
Job Type: Full Time
Hiring Process: Written-test.
Hiring Process: Written-test.
Job Details

University of Delhi, invites applications for the post of Jr. Asst www.freshersworld.com
Qualification : A Senior School Certificate (+2) or its equivalent qualification from a recognized Board/ university/ institution with at least 50% marks or a Graduate from recognized University. Having Typing Speed of 40 w.p.m in English or 30. w.p.m in Hindi Typewriting through computer
Desirable : Degree/Diploma in Computer Application/ Science and knowledge of operation of at least package relating to pay trolls, Accounts, MIS etc. Diploma in Office Management and Secretarial Practice.
No. of Post : One
Salary : Rs. 11,550/-
Age Limit : 27 yrs
How to apply
candidates should apply along with a copy of CV and self attested copies
of degrees, mark sheets, certificates and experience testimonials (if
any), so as to reach the Dr. Veena Mishra, Deputy Dean (Foreign
Students), Foreign Students Registry Office, Room No. 11, First Floor,
Conference Center, University of Delhi, Delhi-07 at the earliest but in no case later than 30th September, 2012. www.freshersworld.com
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Company Profile
The University of Delhi is
the premier university of the country and is known for its high
standards in teaching and research and attracts eminent scholars to its
faculty. It was established in 1922 as a unitary, teaching and
residential university by an Act of the then Central Legislative
Assembly. The President of India is the Visitor, the Vice President is
the Chancellor and the Chief Justice of the Supreme Court of India is
the Pro-Chancellor of the University. Ever since its inception, a
strong commitment to excellence in teaching and research has made the
University of Delhi a role-model and path-setter for
other universities in the country. Its rich academic tradition has
always attracted the most talented students who later on went on to
make important contributions to their society.job in RGIPT for Junior Mechanic
Eligibility: Diploma(Chemical, Civil, Electrical Engineering, Mechanical Engineering)
Location: Uttar Pradesh-other
Job Category: Diploma, Govt Sector
Last Date: 15 October 12
Location: Uttar Pradesh-other
Job Category: Diploma, Govt Sector
Last Date: 15 October 12
Job Type: Full Time
Hiring Process: Written-test.
Hiring Process: Written-test.
Job Details

Advt. No. RBL/02/2012
Rajiv Gandhi Institute of Petroleum Technology invites applications for the post of Junior Mechanic www.freshersworld.com
Qualification : Diploma in Engineering of 03 years duration in Mechanical/Civil/Electrical/Chemical Engineering field, or ITI with 02 years experience. Knowledge of computer application
Desirable : Diploma in Electronics with 02 years experience/certification in fabrication, or electrical circuits / power system / power electronics / measurements / instrumentation, controls, electrical machines/semi-conductor devices
No. of Post : 01 (UR)
Age Limit : Below 32 years as on 01-10-2012
Fee : Application should be accompanied with a non-refundable demand draft of Rs. 50/- drawn in favour of “Rajiv Gandhi Institute of Petroleum Technology” payable at Rae Bareli. SC/ST and Physically Handicapped candidates are not required to submit demand draft.
How to apply
form complete in all respect, with the ‘RGIPT- Rae Bareli Centre, Post
applied for______’ clearly super scribed on the envelope, should reach
at the The Deputy Registrar (Recruitment cell), Rajiv Gandhi
Institute of Petroleum Technology, Ratapur Chowk, Raebareli – 229316
(U.P.). by registered post by 15th November , 2012 . Applications
received after the last date or with incomplete information or without
the prescribed application fee will be summarily rejected. However, the
institute reserves the right to extend the closing date for receipt of
applications. www.freshersworld.com
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Click Here For Details & Application Format
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Company Profile
The Ministry of Petroleum & Natural Gas (MOP&NG), Government of India set up The Rajiv Gandhi Institute of Petroleum Technology (RGIPT)
at Jais, Dist. Rae Bareli, Uttar Pradesh through an Act of Parliament
(“Rajiv Gandhi Institute of Petroleum Technology Act 2007"). RGIPT has
been accorded the eminence of being an “ Institute of National
Importance” along the lines of the Indian Institutes of Technology
(IIT). The Institute is empowered to award degrees in its own right.
RGIPT is co-promoted as an energy domain specific institute by six
leading Oil Public Sector Units (ONGC, IOCL, OIL, GAIL, BPCL and HPCL)
in association with the Oil Industry Development Board (OIDB). The
Institute is associating with leading International
Universities/Institutions specializing in the domain of Petroleum
Technology.job in Kerala PSC for Librarian Gr.IV
Eligibility: Any Graduate
Location: Trivandrum
Job Category: Govt Sector, Others
Last Date: 17 October 12
Location: Trivandrum
Job Category: Govt Sector, Others
Last Date: 17 October 12
Job Type: Full Time
Hiring Process: Written-test.
Hiring Process: Written-test.
Job Details

Category No: 476/2012 - 479/2012
Kerala Public Service Commission, invites applications for the post of Librarian Gr.IV www.freshersworld.com
Sl.No. | Cat.No | Name of Post | Method of Appointment |
1 | 476/2012 | Librarian Gr.IV | Direct Recruitment |
2 | 477/2012 | Librarian Gr.IV(By Transfer) | By transfer from Graduates with Degree in Library and Information Science |
3 | 478/2012 | Librarian Gr.IV(By Transfer ) | By transfer from candidates with SSLC & Diploma in Library Science. |
4 | 479/2012 | Librarian Gr.IV (By Transfer ) | By transfer from candidates with SSLC & Certificate in Library Science. |
Department : Municipal Common Service
Qualifications: (a)
By Direct Recruitment:- Bachelors Degree in any subject and Bachelors
Degree in Library and Information Science or SSLC and Diploma in Library
Science or a SSLC and Certificate in Library Science recognized by
Government (b) By Transfer Recruitment:- Degree in any subject and
Degree in Library and Information Science or SSLC and Diploma in Library
Science or SSLC and Certificate in Library Science.
No. of vacancies : District wise
Kollam | 1 |
Alappuzha | 1 |
Kottayam | 2 |
Ernakulam | 4 |
Thrissur | 1 |
Palakkad | 1 |
Malappuram | 1 |
Kozhikkode | 2 |
Age Limit : (a) Direct Recruitment: 18-36 yrs
Selection Procedure : Written Test/ OMR Test
How to apply
Interested candidates should apply online. Last date for receipt of applications: 17.10.2012 Wednesday upto 12.00 midnight www.freshersworld.com
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Click Here For Details
Apply Online
Click Here to Practice Free Sample Placement Papers of IT, PSU and Banks (IBPS)
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Company Profile
The Kerala Public Service Commission is
a body created by the Constitution of India. The Commission advise the
Government on all matters relating to civil services referred to it
under Article 320 (3) of the Constitution and publish notifications
inviting applications for selection to various posts as per the
requisitions of the appointing authorities, conduct written test and/or
practical tests, physical efficiency test and interview, prepare ranked
list based on the performance of the candidates and advise candidates
for appointment strictly based on their merit and observing the rules of
reservation as and when vacancies are reported.
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